1) do you think you're hot?
~~tidak.. tidak berminat utk mengHOTkan diri saye~~
2) upload favourite picture of you
3) why do you like this picture?
~~1st time..edit menjadi~~
4) when is the last time you ate pizza?
~~bile eh.. ngan adik beradik ku.. ketika mendapatkn WSB~~
5) the last song you listened to?
6) what are you doing right now beside this?
~~TAdet pape.~~
7) people you tag
1) fid..
2) idatazira
3) nienako
4) zaitul azra
5) maisarah
6) mimi
8) who is number 1?
kami mempunyai frame badan yg same.. BMI... (berat&ketinggian)
9) say something about number 4
~~skulmate ms kt PC..~~
dia dkt UIA kuantan.. sedang posting sm dgn Mr.Daiki sy..
10) how about number 3?
dh 3thn duk same2.. dia sgt lemah lembut orgnye.. nk msk meminang ke??
11) who is number 2?
~~department mate~~
ahakss... sgt kemas orgnye..
~~tidak.. tidak berminat utk mengHOTkan diri saye~~
2) upload favourite picture of you
3) why do you like this picture?
~~1st time..edit menjadi~~
4) when is the last time you ate pizza?
~~bile eh.. ngan adik beradik ku.. ketika mendapatkn WSB~~
5) the last song you listened to?
6) what are you doing right now beside this?
~~TAdet pape.~~
7) people you tag
1) fid..
2) idatazira
3) nienako
4) zaitul azra
5) maisarah
6) mimi
8) who is number 1?
kami mempunyai frame badan yg same.. BMI... (berat&ketinggian)
9) say something about number 4
~~skulmate ms kt PC..~~
dia dkt UIA kuantan.. sedang posting sm dgn Mr.Daiki sy..
10) how about number 3?
dh 3thn duk same2.. dia sgt lemah lembut orgnye.. nk msk meminang ke??
11) who is number 2?
~~department mate~~
ahakss... sgt kemas orgnye..
will be updated very2 soon.
"sgt kemas" mcm tipu je.
eh2..berat sy lebih sikit ye...hehehe..yess berjaya
lembut dop, lembek ade gaseny..
nk masuk meminang?..
jupe my dad yek..
kalo lulus, go on je..
kte masuk bab ke dua dn seterusny..