sepanjang 3 hari ni..
~there's too many to talk about.. so then i decided to make this 1 short&simple..
~bout d bengkel thg.. i'll post it later..
4.30 am today..
i reached home.. d journey last nite wasnt so smooth.. that bus quite problematic.. but.. Thanx Allah we don't hv to switch bus.. huhu.. when i got to my seat.. my phone rang..
opsss Ayah De call.. (ayah de is my uncle)..
"yu ade kt mn? ayh de duk depan ni.."
"hehe.. blh r turun mkn ar nnt.. ade kawan..."
but then.. when that bus stop some where.. me.. sleeping beauty.. ahakss...
while posting this entry..
i'm watching Mawi's wedding..
& doin d data entry for our Project.. goshh...
now.. not too big fan of him.. but..still want to watch d akad nikah..
while surfing d internet.. i come across Aznil Hj Nawawi's blog..
there's a phrase which really cought my mind..
Walaupun ramai orang tapi Tuhan masih bukakan ruang untuk semua orang. Ajaib!!
(this ayat refering to keadaan di Mekah)..
i was really touched by that words..siap menangis lg.. ahakss..
Ya Allah.. give me a chance to go there.. & mentauhidkan Engkau.. aminnn
ayah said.. during Ramadhan.. Arabians went to Masjid all out, giving out d meals to the people there.. they all brought their kids.. & so many thgs..
then.. it keeps me wonder.. how my amalan here.. compared to them..
Ya Allah.. give me chance..
~there's too many to talk about.. so then i decided to make this 1 short&simple..
~bout d bengkel thg.. i'll post it later..
4.30 am today..
i reached home.. d journey last nite wasnt so smooth.. that bus quite problematic.. but.. Thanx Allah we don't hv to switch bus.. huhu.. when i got to my seat.. my phone rang..
opsss Ayah De call.. (ayah de is my uncle)..
"yu ade kt mn? ayh de duk depan ni.."
"hehe.. blh r turun mkn ar nnt.. ade kawan..."
but then.. when that bus stop some where.. me.. sleeping beauty.. ahakss...
while posting this entry..
i'm watching Mawi's wedding..
& doin d data entry for our Project.. goshh...
now.. not too big fan of him.. but..still want to watch d akad nikah..
while surfing d internet.. i come across Aznil Hj Nawawi's blog..
there's a phrase which really cought my mind..
Walaupun ramai orang tapi Tuhan masih bukakan ruang untuk semua orang. Ajaib!!
(this ayat refering to keadaan di Mekah)..
i was really touched by that words..siap menangis lg.. ahakss..
Ya Allah.. give me a chance to go there.. & mentauhidkan Engkau.. aminnn
ayah said.. during Ramadhan.. Arabians went to Masjid all out, giving out d meals to the people there.. they all brought their kids.. & so many thgs..
then.. it keeps me wonder.. how my amalan here.. compared to them..
Ya Allah.. give me chance..
wah agak mnyentuh naluri la ayt 2...sm2 la kita b'doa semoga dpt peluang yg b'harga 2 nnt..INSYAALLAH
huhu..mau pegi jugak..sama2 doa kite punye peluang ke sana..amiin..
tu r.. insaf je bc blog paknil tu.. hihi