sepanjang 3 hari ni..
~there's too many to talk about.. so then i decided to make this 1 short&simple..
~bout d bengkel thg.. i'll post it later..

4.30 am today..
i reached home.. d journey last nite wasnt so smooth.. that bus quite problematic.. but.. Thanx Allah we don't hv to switch bus.. huhu.. when i got to my seat.. my phone rang..
opsss Ayah De call.. (ayah de is my uncle)..
"yu ade kt mn? ayh de duk depan ni.."
"hehe.. blh r turun mkn ar nnt.. ade kawan..."

but then.. when that bus stop some where.. me.. sleeping beauty.. ahakss...

while posting this entry..
i'm watching Mawi's wedding..
& doin d data entry for our Project.. goshh...
now.. not too big fan of him.. but..still want to watch d akad nikah..

while surfing d internet.. i come across Aznil Hj Nawawi's blog..
there's a phrase which really cought my mind..

Walaupun ramai orang tapi Tuhan masih bukakan ruang untuk semua orang. Ajaib!!
(this ayat refering to keadaan di Mekah)..

i was really touched by that words..siap menangis lg.. ahakss..
Ya Allah.. give me a chance to go there.. & mentauhidkan Engkau.. aminnn

ayah said.. during Ramadhan.. Arabians went to Masjid all out, giving out d meals to the people there.. they all brought their kids.. & so many thgs..
then.. it keeps me wonder.. how my amalan here.. compared to them..
Ya Allah.. give me chance..

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3 Responses
  1. Cik feeda Says:

    wah agak mnyentuh naluri la ayt 2...sm2 la kita b'doa semoga dpt peluang yg b'harga 2 nnt..INSYAALLAH

  2. huhu..mau pegi jugak..sama2 doa kite punye peluang ke sana..amiin..

  3. miki Says:

    tu r.. insaf je bc blog paknil tu.. hihi