..setelah fid sound ckp suh membuat gak yg di tag..
~~baiklah fid.. i'm doin ths.. opsss.. keep this secret okess..
7 weird things about me?? (got to think.. wat arr??)
~~baiklah fid.. i'm doin ths.. opsss.. keep this secret okess..
7 weird things about me?? (got to think.. wat arr??)
- pagi2.. msti byk bntal/bear ade kt bawah katil.. ehmmm.. what do u think?? (ahakss.. pergerakan sewaktu tidur tidak dapat dikawal.. kesian nina.. spek ngan alatn laen.. selalu letak kt katil dia..)
- i had mematahkan 3 sikat.. 2 berus gigi.. spek x dikira... (terasa mcm diri ini mempunyai kuasa yg x dpt dikawal pd ketika tertentu.. hihi.. gosh.. Mr.Daiki owes says ganasnye)
- i love baggy clothes..huahuahuaa.. yes.. sometimes.. i think me, masef bit selekeh.. hushh.. (can't help masef..)
- i love dark.. tp.. bukan gelap glemak (this is terengganu dialek ok..).. nk cahaya yg sket2 je.. i dont like light.. panas...tp mmg xsuke ar..
- 70% of my watched tv drama/talkshow etc is in english.. i watch oprah..CSI.. ellen degeneres.. Life.. Nip/Tuck.. Greys.. bla bla bla... (but y my english is doesnt work as it should beeeeee??? huaaaaaa...) (u knw what.. i br realize that i live to watch cerita org2 beruniform)...
- i love to draw.. but.. my painting was so-so.. huhuhuuuuuuuuuuuu.. ( i want to learn art.. if i cn.. support me plzz)
- i donno y i really hate cacing a.k.a worms... tp lipas x takut sgt.. aritu diorg cam kagum je.. padhal buang lipas je.. cicak pon x geli sgt.. katak pon.. but cacing???)
- arini g tolong mak spupu..ank dia nk kawen esk.. huhu..~~
- kpd kawan2.. cpt2 la kawen.. hahahaaa
haha..ad org mengalami nsb yg sm la..cannot think...tp anda telah berusaha
sy pon same gak..xleh nk pk ape yg pelik2..tapi at last..
ahaha..berjela2 je panjang nye..sampai lebih 7..hee~~
tikus takut x?
jnh..nape jtl kne kawen cpat2..msti la tnggu jnh kawen dlu..hehe